Six Hour Certificate
In this highly interactive and experiential workshop, participants will:
- Examine their own diversity attributes and how they relate to privilege
- Understand how privilege can impact organizational dynamics including personal and organizational unconscious bias
- Dig into systemic issues brought on by a misunderstanding and misappropriation of privilege
- Explore how to have positive impactful discussion about privilege in their organizations
- Learn how privilege can be leveraged for good through programs like mentoring and allyship
Who Should Attend?
- DEI leaders and practitioners who need to lead privilege discussions in their organizations
- Organizational leaders and executives who want to better understand how privilege impacts their leadership and their organizations
- Any professional who wants to gain a better understanding of privilege and how to address it in their work places
Training Outline
- Introduction to the concepts of and inter-relationship between diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging and privilege
- Understanding intersectionality and exploring our own privileges and disadvantaged through interactive exercises
- How privilege impacts our leadership lens and styles
- Relationship to emotional intelligence and cultural competence
- Relationship between privilege and unconscious bias
- Personal unconscious bias
- Impacts on organizational processes (recruiting, talent development, team work, interactions with clients/customers)
- The long term systemic derivatives of privilege
- Systemic and institutional racism
- Sexism and gender equality
- Ethnocentrism
- Understanding gender identity and sexual orientation
- Leveraging privilege for good
- The power of allyship
- Being a mentor
- Building your own personal action plan - what will yo do from here