
"On request" one hour workshops for your organization.

Privilege 101

In diversity circles, privilege is often a lightening-rod word that gets people defensive and excited. But simply put, privilege is defined as a right, immunity, or benefit enjoyed by a particular person or a restricted group of people beyond the advantages of most.

Privilege is simply a reality of life, and every single person enjoys certain privileges and lacks other privileges based upon the complexities of their own individual diversity attributes.


  • Introduction to the concepts of and inter-relationship between diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging with privilege and marginalization
  • The many different forms of privilege
  • Understanding intersectionality and exploring our own privileges and disadvantaged through interactive exercises
  • An introduction to leveraging privilege for positive impact

Addressing Privilege in Your Organization

In diversity circles, privilege is often a lightening-rod word that gets people defensive and excited. But simply put, privilege is defined as a right, immunity, or benefit enjoyed by a particular person or a restricted group of people beyond the advantages of most.

Privilege is simply a reality of life, and every single person enjoys certain privileges and lacks other privileges based upon the complexities of their own individual diversity attributes. This offering digs deeper into the impacts of privilege within an organization.


  • A brief introduction to the concepts of and inter-relationship between diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging with privilege and marginalization
  • How privilege impacts organizational processes (recruiting, talent development, team work, interactions with clients/customers)
  • Leveraging privilege for good
    • The power of allyship
    • Being a mentor

Power & Privilege

This workshop delves into the concepts of power and privilege, exploring how they shape our society and individual interactions. Participants will engage in activities and discussions that highlight the various dimensions of privilege, including race, gender, socioeconomic status, and more. By understanding the dynamics of power and privilege, attendees will be better equipped to recognize their own positions within these structures and work towards creating a more equitable environment.

Oppression 101

"Oppression 101" provides a foundational understanding of oppression and its various forms. This workshop covers the historical and contemporary contexts of oppression, focusing on how systemic inequalities are maintained and perpetuated. Participants will learn about key terms and concepts, identify examples of oppression in everyday life, and discuss strategies for resisting and dismantling oppressive systems. This session is essential for anyone looking to deepen their awareness and activism.

Understanding and Dismantling Privilege

In "Understanding and Dismantling Privilege," participants will take a deep dive into the complexities of privilege and its impact on social justice. The workshop will offer tools for recognizing privilege in oneself and others, and strategies for using that awareness to foster inclusivity and allyship. Through interactive exercises, real-life case studies, and guided reflection, attendees will develop actionable plans to challenge and reduce privilege in their personal and professional lives, contributing to a fairer and more just society.

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